- Developing breakthrough and innovative structured reactors heated using renewable electricity;
- Converting fossil and renewable CH4 into CO2-free H2 and highly valuable carbon nanomaterials for battery applications;
- Validating, at TRL 5, the most promising catalytic technology (chosen considering technological, economic, and environmental assessments) to produce H2 with > 60% of energy efficiency.
Producing hydrogen with energy efficiency and net-zero emissions It is possible to convert fossil and renewable methane into hydrogen with zero emissions of CO2. The EU-funded STORMING project has an innovative solution. It will develop structured reactors heated using renewable electricity to make the conversion to H2 and carbon nanotubes for battery applications.
Specifically, innovative iron-based catalysts, highly active and easily regenerable by waste free processes, will be developed through a smart rational catalyst design protocol. The overall aim of the project is the electrification (microwave or Joule-heated) of structured reactors, designed by computational fluid dynamics and prepared by 3D printing, to enable an accurate thermal control resulting in high energy efficiency.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme, under Grant Agreement n° 101069690.